Positive Journal Prompts Generator

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Welcome to the Positive Journal Prompts Generator, our sunny little app of journal prompts for positive thinking. Encouraging, optimistic, and devoted to the bright side, you’ll find hundreds of positive writing prompts aimed at making your journal a happier, gentler, and more positive place.

There are three tabs to choose from, each of which generates a different type of prompt.

There are:

  • Positive Affirmation Journal Prompts aimed at priming your journal session in a positive way. You’ll find prompts like “Before you write, remind yourself: “I’m here for a reason,” and “Write in a way that’s loving toward yourself.” Use affirmation prompts to clear your mind before writing or to start a journal entry with a specific positive intent.
  • Gratitude Prompts that ask you to consider “What’s great about” the world. With a focus on the wonderful little things that we experience but often take for granted, the idea isn’t to tell you what to think and write, but to trigger your own positive thoughts and memories, and your own feelings of positivity and gratitude.
  • Self-Discovery Prompts aimed at exploring the good inside you. These journal prompts for positive thinking ask you to look within. To recall positive events and memories. To recognize the good things that surround you. And to acknowledge your qualities and inherent worth.

We hope our Positive Journal Prompts Generator becomes one of your favorite journaling resources, and a hint: Better to click slowly and think through each prompt than to click fast and skim. Your mind and heart are doing the heavy lifting here, and won’t do nearly as well when you rush them.

If you like our journal prompts for positive thinking, you may also like our generator for Mindfulness Journal Prompts, and our Journaling Prompts for Mental Health page.


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